If you're a first time visitor to the iQuantum Blog, please refer to the "Foundations of Quantum Improv" to give you an appropriate background to the philosophies and strategies discussed here. #1 What is Quantum Improv #2 More Quantum Background #3 Newton's Second Law of Motion

If you've missed one or more entries in the series:
ReV Up Your Improv Scenes
you can now easily access each and every part.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Styles of Reveals - ABE
(Good heavens, another acronym?)

~ PART 9 of the Series: ReV up Your Improv Scenes ~

To wrap up this topic, let's talk about different styles of revelations at your disposal. Again, another acronym if you're a person who needs those kinds of mnemonic devices - ABE. Your offering can be the revealing, introduction, description or endowment of an Attribute, a Behavior, or an Event.

For example as a Confession - or revealing something about yourself, it could be that you have a broken arm, that you suffer from indigestion, or that you're no longer a virgin (Attribute). As a behavior, you might reveal that you smoke, or can't say "no," or you're addicted to love. Or perhaps you reveal information about an event. You've just eloped with your girlfriend, the feds are after you, the rain has stopped.

I want to offer examples for each version of the matrix, so you can see that the possibilities are truly endless. But you can hopefully and easily see that with all these possibilities at your disposal. You can trust that when the time comes for something new to happen or be revealed, your creative brain will quickly and easily serve you. All you really have to do is be open to whatever instinct or spontaneous creative idea that comes to you.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The CAD Method

~ PART 8 of the Series: ReV up Your Improv Scenes ~

Now let's open the spigot even more. Let's talk about the kinds or types of ideas or choices at your disposal. The CAD method is an acronym for Confession, Accusation, Discovery. When unsure of what to offer the scene at the point where you organically feel that "something" needs to happen to further the story or the scene, you can inspire yourself with this tool. It's time to reveal something to the scene - among the many choices you can add or declare - something about yourself (Confession), something about your scene partner (Accusation), or something about the environment or your immediate vicinity (Discovery).